

We engage in fun science experiments which helps to teach and inspire our budding scientists. Our science experiments take the children on a sensory journey and feeds into different areas of learning such as gardening, cooking and learning about the animals we look after beyond the garden fence. The children over the last year have enjoyed watching our eggs turn into chicks, which we have housed in our beyond the garden fences area, and watching our caterpillars development into butterflies, which we then released into the world.


Children have free access to computer tablets, where they are able to independently select and play pre-loaded learning games and drawing activities. They can also use the tablets to capture their day by taking photos of their artwork, models they have built, and to capture moments during free play. The children enjoy sharing these photographs with staff and friends. We have a special area set aside in our setting that children can access to use their computer tablets. 


We promote resilience, problem solving and creative thinking whilst also reiterating to children that it is ok to makes mistakes, as we do not always get it right the first time. We provide construction areas and equipment which promotes children’s exploration. They use their imagination to create buildings, towns, and various different objects. Children also take part in investigations and challenges such building bridges over pretend rivers, building tall models that rival them in height and or making fast cars.

Engineering also helps children develop early concepts that they can build on as they grow. They will also begin to understand that tools help people do things better.


We incorporate maths into real life situations, as we believe that maths should be real and meaningful. We like to teach maths through tangible and visual sources such as using play money and tills within our home corner shop and classroom, weighing objects using scales, and addition and subtraction of objects indoors and outdoors. Children understanding of numbers are also honed through song, drawing and art.