Partnership with Parents

The setting recognises that working in partnership with parents is of major value, and is important in enabling us to provide a happy, caring and stable environment for the children and their parents. We form strong relationships with parents, so that information regarding their child (be it developmental, social or health related) can be exchanged easily and comfortably by the setting, or parent(s)/carer(s).

We welcome a parent’s guidance and knowledge, as they know their child best.  We have an open door policy allowing parents to freely share information and  discuss any concerns relating to their child. 

We take great care to help babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers settle into nursery. To assist this, we allocate a member of staff or ‘key person’ to your child. This ‘key person’ will build a special relationship with the child, offering security, reassurance and continuity (they will often be the one to feed, change and soothe your child) and placing them in the  best position to understand their individual needs and build other relationship within the setting.  The ‘key person’ will be your main point of contact to share information with about your child’s time at nursery.  

In addition to our key worker system, throughout your child’s time with us, we will document their journey of learning and development in their ‘Incredible Learning Profile’ This is unique to them and enables us to discuss our observations with you and offers you the opportunity to give us feedback on how your child is developing at home, enabling us to tailor our nursery programme to your child’s needs. Our communication books are the main way for us to share information between home and nursery, providing consistency between the two.